Soulments is a memories app that gently reminds you to capture life's moments. The target demo is expecting mothers and young parents. With Soulments, users can organize and store their memories via a tagging system. Photos and videos are stored in the cloud in full resolution so they can be pulled down later and printed or shared in the highest quality. There are occasional journaling prompts via push notifications and users can also set up their own custom reminders as well. All of users’ Soulments are completely private until they decide otherwise. If they choose to, they’re able to share their Soulments via email, SMS, or social media.

This product was designed and built at T R I M Agency, I was the design lead for the MVP, the private beta release, and the first version. The Soulment creation experience draws cues from creating a social media post, though there is no social component to this product. The tagging system was actually inspired by a similar experience I encountered in an accounting product for scanning, saving, and organizing receipts.

One of the unique challenges that Soulments presented was on-boarding. The experience had to accommodate for users who have multiple children, are expecting children, a combination of the two, or in some cases no children at all. As a result there are many forks in the road during the user on-boarding process. Also, when users provide a child’s name on sign up, a tag is automatically created with that child’s name. That way, when a user creates their first Soulment, they have the option to tag their children right away without creating the tags themselves.

At the time of writing this, the product is in the App Store and reviews quite well. We are still doing maintenance work on the product and will being road mapping new features soon. First on the list is adding search to the timeline, then a new on-boarding experience where users create a Soulment as they’re signing up. We’ll also be building out a mindfulness blog within the product, and allowing users to print their Soulments in books.