

Macrostax is an app that creates custom macronutrient diet plans for users based on their body and personal goals. The plan changes day to day based on whether or not the user is working out that day. There’s also a feature that helps users create meals that fit their macro plan. Along the way, users can track their progress too. Metrics like bodyweight and weekly photos are used to monitor results. Infographics are incorporated throughout the app to let users know how often they’re hitting their macros, how much weight they’re loosing, etc.

 When the Product Owner first came to T R I M, the product really only served one purpose: creating macronutrient plans based on a user’s gender, age, height, weight, and activity level. Users could also choose between losing fat, gaining weight (mus

When the Product Owner first came to T R I M, the product really only served one purpose: creating macronutrient plans based on a user’s gender, age, height, weight, and activity level. Users could also choose between losing fat, gaining weight (muscle mass), or maintaining weight. Over the course of 2 years I lead the charge as we designed and built what eventually became a very expansive feature set for Macrostax.

 I worked with the PO and her group of test users to identify pain points they had and roll out fixes and new features accordingly. Early on we realized that users were frustrated that they had to use a different product (My Fitness Pal or something

I worked with the PO and her group of test users to identify pain points they had and roll out fixes and new features accordingly. Early on we realized that users were frustrated that they had to use a different product (My Fitness Pal or something similar) to track their progress. Juggling Macrostax for their plan and another product for tracking results was a hassle for them. We designed and built the inputs side of the product with those frustrations in mind so that users could get their plan and measure their results in the same place without leaving Macrostax.

 Eventually we also rolled out a meal generator feature after hearing from users that they were struggling to come up with meals that met their macros. This feature allows users to randomly generate ingredients, keep the ones they want, and continue

Eventually we also rolled out a meal generator feature after hearing from users that they were struggling to come up with meals that met their macros. This feature allows users to randomly generate ingredients, keep the ones they want, and continue generating replacements for the ones they don’t. They can also specify what type of meal they want to create (breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack, etc.). Serving sizes are specified per each ingredient so users know exactly how much of each to eat. With the addition of this feature, Macrostax truly became a one stop shop for its health and fitness conscious users.
